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Oleksandr S.
Oleksandr S.

"Template collection pack 1001" installing problem  en

Автор: Oleksandr S.
Просмотрено 3554, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi dear!

Today, I have bought Template Collection 1001 for my WebsiteX5 evolution 11, which by installing require the file path where I have to intall it, but it does not want to unpack in the "Website x5 11 evolution" file path, it writes that it is not correct.

It is not take any other file path on my notbook,

What should I do or how to unpack this collection 1001 in the wright place?

WebSite X5 Template Collection 1001, reference number #71780889

Thank you.

2 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Riccardo P.


the "Template Collection 1001" is only compatible with the WebSite X5 versione 10, not with the versione 11.

The templates of the "Template Collection 1001" are already include in versione 11.

hope this help.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Oleksandr S.
Oleksandr S.

O'K Thank you. I' ve seen them all.

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Размещено От Oleksandr S.