Load page from back-up 
Автор: Joe H.
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How do I load a page rom a previous back-up to restore a page that was lost by mistake?
From the Welcome screen, click on the START arrow at top right of screen or the Start word next to the Welcome message.
You will get the 'Project Selection' screen.
Click the IMPORT button and select the folder where you saved your backup file.
The backup file will display a .iwzip extension and by default would be saved in a folder called "WebsiteX5 project BACKUP". If you chose to create a different folder name yourself when you did your first backup, then navigate to that one
Once the files have been imported it will appear on the 'Project Selection' page, next to the current one you may be working on.
Click the radio button next to 'Edit an existing Project', highlight the imported file, then click the NEXT arrow at top right of screen to open the file.
I hope this helps.
Does not work. Files were saved as the command was used for backing up from the wedsite. X5 did not save them in any file format that would allow you to import a "iwzip". I can see the files when not trying to IMPORT any of them, but when I attempt to imprt backup files, I do not see them.
Explain please?
I want to take one page out of my backup to re-use with the current web. So how does someone get just that one page/file from the back-up site to the current site?
Hi Joe

When you backup your project/s. you use the EXPORT option (number 5) from the left hand pane within the program.
You then get a screen with 3 different options. The option that gives you the .iwzip file is the last one - 'Export the Project' which is the one I am using at the moment whilst designing my website (not yet published live).
If you are wanting to access a particular page to edit the HTML coding, the second option ('Export the WebSite to disk') allows you to do this. Extracting a page from the backup file to your current site though is not something I have done personally, so I can't explain that in any more detail.
I'm not an experienced user of this program, really just learning myself, but I posted originally to help you with your backup procedure query. Hopefully, anyone who has done what you're asking will jump in to help. I would also be interested to know how this is done.
Sorry if I haven't answered you more fully
What I want to do is replace a current page on the website with the old page that was used before editing it earlier, but backed-up.
Without actually re-creating the old page (which would be alot of work and because I DO have a copy of the page), why shouldn't I be able to just import that page from a previous copied/back-up, remove the current page and just replace it with the page I imported?
I don't need the entire site, just a page. What do I have to do to have the replacement page recognized by the software when I go into step 2?
BTW, I know about the import featuer in step 1. All it does is load a back-up of the ENTIRE site to the editing software/platform. Nobody can tell me how to take the page from back up and put it in my current work.
Hello Joe,
is not possible import a page html in the program, you need recreate it.
You can create a copy of the page in step 2 and set as invisible you can use this methot for create backup page.