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Nawras Djalaxedj
Nawras Djalaxedj

How to add numbers of pages to my site  en

Автор: Nawras Djalaxedj
Просмотрено 2242, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Dear Sir 

with respect 

how can i add a numbers of pages to my site?

like this :

 < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 >  Last

best regards

6 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Andre E
Andre E

There is no option for that in x5, and I have not seen any custom code on internet, but maybe it's there, try and search for it, else you could do it manualy but it's a lot of work.

And if you change often then you need to correct this as well.

But just out of curiousity, why would want it? Do you have a website adres? I have not seen something like that on websites, it's more for pictures and forums that you will find this.

BR Andé

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Размещено От Andre E
Nawras Djalaxedj
Nawras Djalaxedj

Dear Sir 

i make a website now its in 200 pages 

and i need this functions

any way i well do it by my self

thank you 

i understand that your program need a lot of upgrade to be a good

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Размещено От Nawras Djalaxedj
Andre E
Andre E


Thank for your reply, small correction, it's not my program, it's from Incomedia.

But If you want this feel free to make an IDEA post, maybe Incomedia can add it in future programs !

They are always happy to recieve new ideas that benefits all.

Best Regards,


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Размещено От Andre E
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

I note that is you do a search here in, you get exactly that feature at the bottom of the search results page. I wonder how that is done?


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Размещено От Duncan Baker
Andre E
Andre E

Answers is not made with websitex5. x5 answers is a different format / lanquage. Here it is build in in the software forum.

But yes your are correct you have it here, that's way an Idea post good help.

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Размещено От Andre E
Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

You could build a menu in html 1 2 3 etc which you could put in the template footer. That would work but it would not highlight the page that you are on.


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Размещено От Duncan Baker