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Lucio Flavio
Lucio Flavio

Como indicar o caminho para o nome do usuário logado?  pt

Автор: Lucio Flavio
Просмотрено 2215, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Como inserir o caminho para coletar o nome do usuário logado??


<?php echo $_SESSION['realname'] ?>

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Lucio Flavio
Lucio Flavio

Hello Lucio,

I'm not sure that I understand you correctly, but if you seek the correct syntax for the code you quoted then it would be as follows:

<?php echo $_SESSION['realname']; ?>

However, that won't work on its own.  If you want to capture the logged in user within WebSite X5 then you need some extra steps:

Be sure to start the session on the page in question (code in header):

i.e. <?php session_start(); ?>

Followed by this code:


$pa = new imPrivateArea();

$user = $pa->who_is_logged();


You can then return the name of the logged in user by way of the following code:

<?php echo $user['realname']; ?>

Hope this is what you are looking for...

Kind regards,


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