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Rene W.
Rene W.

Replace slide pictures  en

Автор: Rene W.
Просмотрено 893, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I strated my first project with a bought template Black Business. It has a slides of 5 .jpg pictures: slide1.jpg etc.

I found in the source that they are stored in local source, but I cannot find the actual directory where these 5 images are kept. I want to change thos 5 sliders for 5 personalised sliders.

Is there any way to change the pictures with mine?

This is the code in the header:

<div class="slidershell">

<div id="slider">

<img src="images/slides/slide1.jpg" alt="slide1" title="#captionone"/>
<img src="images/slides/slide2.jpg" alt="slide2" title="#captiontwo"/>
<img src="images/slides/slide3.jpg" alt="slide3" title="#captionthree"/>
<img src="images/slides/slide4.jpg" alt="slide4" title="#captionfour"/>
<img src="images/slides/slide5.jpg" alt="slide5" title="#captionfive"/>


Or is this not possible?

Many thanks!


3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Rene,

Firstly, my apologies, I am not familiar with the Black Business template, and as it is a purchased template I have no means to examine it closely.

However, I offer this workaround until such times as someone else comes up with a better, more complete solution.

Use an FTP client such as FileZilla ( to upload your 5 personalised images into the following location on your server:


Delete the 5 existing slides which are already in that directory (slide1.jpg, slide2.jpg, etc.)

Now rename your 5 personalised images to match the names of those you have just deleted (slide1.jpg, slide2.jpg, etc.)

Note that you might have to redo this procedure from time to time, as WebSite X5 may attempt to re-upload the original image files dependent on what changes you make whilst editing your project.

Hope this is somehow useful.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Rene W.
Rene W.

Hey Paul

Thanks for your fast answer. So I should first publish or ftp it to the server...

I am still working with it locally. So I guess there is no possibillity to save the pictures on my PC locally so that the next time you open the project your replaced files are loaded:-/

Here is the online demo of the template to give you some kind of idea...

Kind regards


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Размещено От Rene W.
Paul M.
Paul M.

I would publish with WebSite X5 as normal, then replace the images on the server with your own using FileZilla.

You may be able to locate the images if you can find your Black Business template within the 'Templates' folder in the installation directory:

C:\Program Files(x86)\WebSite X5 v11 - Evolution\Templates (or similar file path)

The files in this folder have an IWTPL extension.  However, you can use 7-zip to extract the contents (  the template images are inside...

If you do manage to locate and swap the images within the template then you may be able to zip it back up and rename it with an IWTPL extension.  But this is all pure conjecture on my part...  I have never, ever tried to do this, so it is untested!

Also, there will be many templates in the 'Templates' folder, and it could take a long time to locate the right one...  but try sorting by date/timestamp and it might be easier!  Presumably your recently purchased one will appear near the top of the list  

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Размещено От Paul M.