WebSite X5Help Center

Gregg S.
Gregg S.

Image Generation error in verson 12  en

Автор: Gregg S.
Просмотрено 2845, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I just upgraded from version 11 to 12 Pro, I exported my sites from 11, and imported them into version 12. When I try to preview my photo galleries, I get a lot of image generation error. Every time I try, I get different pictures working and different pictures showing the error. I have re-added the photo's to the list from the same location they were, I've tried holding the CNTL key while previewing and I keep getting the same results.

Any Ideas on what I can do to fix this?

9 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Gregg,

Whilst waiting for a response from Incomedia could you supply some additional information please?

Approximately how many images are in each gallery?

What is the average size of the images?  Kilobytes or megabytes?

How much memory (RAM) is in your computer?

Many thanks,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Gregg S.
Gregg S.

My smaller gallery has 8 images, my largest has 156

Average size is about 6 MB

I have 8 GB Ram, Windows 10 Pro

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Размещено От Gregg S.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks very much for the information, Gregg, and for providing it so quickly.

My gut instinct is that the quantity and size of the images will be a factor here.  When building the preview WebSite X5 has to process each image in turn.  Image size reduction before adding to the Gallery Object could prove very useful, especially given that images for the web should be as small as practically possible in any event.

However, please wait for an official comment from Incomedia regarding this  -  the support team typically respond within 24-48 hours.

All the best,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Gregg S.
Gregg S.

It worked in version 11 though, this isn't a new gallery, nothing changed. I installed version 12 yesterday, brought up a site for preview, and have been trying to figure it out for hours.

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Размещено От Gregg S.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Yes, I understand what you're saying Gregg, and that is why I suggest that we wait for Incomedia to respond.

WebSite X5 does rebuild the preview/project anew when converting, and I suspect that the processing has something to do with this, but let's see what Incomedia have to say.

Please note that their offices are closed over the weekend.  I have however marked this thread for their attention upon their return.

Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.

Best wishes,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Gregg S.
Gregg S.

I can wait, not in a hurry, thanks for all your help.

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Размещено От Gregg S.
Gregg S.
Gregg S.

Just an update that Paul had made.

I resized all my images to 1024X768, averaged around 150 KB is size, they all loaded fine without and gereration errors.

I noticed that website X5 converts all the images as my image files are smaller than the originals that i have resized and creates  a .png file for the thumbnail. If there doing that anyway, I have the max display size at 800x600, so they could convert it to that, then make the .png.

Thanks Paul, I'm up and running again, just have a lot of resizing to do.

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Размещено От Gregg S.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Thanks for the update, Gregg, and we're really glad to hear that!

Yes, WebSite X5 processes/converts images as you add them into a project.

I appreciate it must be a lot of effort to resize all your images, but on the positive side bear in mind that as far as web pages are concerned the smaller the file size the better.  Your site will load quicker which in turn will help your SEO and ranking, and make for a more pleasing browsing experience.

All the best...

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Размещено От Paul M.