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M. Griep
M. Griep

Bought template is different in the programme  en

Автор: M. Griep
Просмотрено 1251, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I just bought a template. It's name is Smooth. When I open the template in Incomedia. The template changes:

In the original template the size off the dia show is simulat to the pictures next to it.

Please look at the original:

And check the attachment how it is changed in my browser.

What can I do about it ?

Kind regards,


7 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Stefano G.

Hi Griep.

I'm sorry, maybe it's just me, but I can't spot any difference. Could you please help me out with this?

Let me know

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Размещено От Stefano G.
M. Griep
M. Griep


The pictures in the diashow (lady, trees, ...) are smaller in the length  thans the pictures next to it in the jpg.

When it's not clear what i mean i sent a photo wit an arrow in it When I'm back at  the  office.

Thanks !

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Размещено От M. Griep
M. Griep
M. Griep

Please see the new attachement.

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Размещено От M. Griep
Stefano G.

Hi Griep.

You are indeed right, now I can see it.

I'll have some tests done on the template and then inform you.

I'll keep you updated here

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Размещено От Stefano G.
Stefano G.

Hi Griep.

I looked into your issue.

The problem is cause by the fact that the project requires the following webfonts to be installed. And you probably didn't add them

- Google Web Font ****Carrois Gothic SC**** - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
- Google Web Font ****Great Vibes**** - Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License

Try it and let me know

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Размещено От Stefano G.
M. Griep
M. Griep

Thanks for testing. I will try it later today, but the template should not be changed when I use other fonts.

When I use the template to make my own website I probably will change the fonts anyway.

The fonts in the header off the website shoult not have any influence on other parts of the website.

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Размещено От M. Griep
M. Griep
M. Griep

Thanks, your solution solved the problem, I want to add the following:

After I installed the correct fonts and changed the fonts in fonts I like myself the problem remains solved(Just to let you know).

Kind regards,


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Размещено От M. Griep