Map object 
Автор: Michael R.
Просмотрено 1792,
Подписчики 2,
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Suddenly Map Objects in the website do not show up when opening the website in Firefox or Internet Explorer.
In the preview of Website X5 V.11 it shows correctly the Google Earth location however in Firefox this element is just blank whereas in Internet Explorer it shows "this page can't be displayed" in the corresponding frame of the map object.
So far the Google Earth object had been correctly shown and I haven't changed anything in the webpage created by X5 so I would assume it's maybe related to a browser update. In Firefox the "Google Earth" plugin is activated as "alway active".
Does anyone have the same problem and an idea / solution how to fix it?
Thanks and best regards
Hello Michael,
Could you post a link to the webpage(s) in question so we can investigate this further for you, please?
Kind regards,
Dear Paul,
I do not publish these webpages - they are only local on my computer. I use Website X5 to manage project documents from my work.
Just discovered that the websites which were created with version 10 are still working properly, both in Firefox and Internet Explorer. So I guess its rather related to the version 11 which was working fine until some weeks ago. Maybe related to a recent update of version 11?
best regards
Dear Paul,
further to my post above - I just created a small new project from scratch with just a map element on the home page with the same results (see screen shot from Firefox (clip.jpg) - there should be the map in the top right corner). I attach the iwzip file for reference and also a screen shot from the preview file within Website X5 where the map is shown correctly (clip1.jpg).
As I mentioned, the websites created with ver.10 work fine and until recently also the website created with vers.11 was o.k.
hope this can help,
best regards
o.k. the iwzip obviously is a bit too big, let me know how I can send to you (3MB)
Hi Michael
You can send us an email with the project file (the file with .IWZIP extension) as attachment to using as Subject “Post 129175 per Stefano G.”
If your project size is more than 10 megabytes, you can use online services like to send us your project.
To export the project you want to send us, please use the function “Export the Project” in Step 5 and save it in C://.
Let me know
I just sent the email to the above mentioned address,
thanks and best regards
Hi Michael.
I just tested your project, and I didn't find any issues with the map object.
You said that on IE and Firefox it doesn't work as it should.
Could you please try and upload your website to check? Maybe it's just some issue with your browsers.
Let me know
Dear Stefano,
initially I also though that it is a browser issue - however I have the same issue on my laptop and my desktop at home. The projects created with v11 do not show the map object while at the same time my websites created with v10 do show the map object (same browser, same settings even when having both webprojects opened the same time in two different tabs).
Anyway, how do I upload the webproject? I only use my websites locally on my computers.
best regards
Hi Michael.
To upload your project online, I suggest you sign up to free services such as Altervista, which give you access to free webhosting, upload your website there and share the link.
Let me know
Dear Stefano,
I did some testing and the following is happening:
Websites created in X5.v10 do work properly in Firefox, IE and Chrome, i.e. the exported website shows the google maps window properly with the correct area, magnification etc. I created a new small project with the version 10 still installed on the computer and it works fine in any of the browsers.
I also purchased v12 and find the same problem as in v11, i.e.:
This is the same no matter I open the website in Firefox, IE or Chrome.
Since the websites created with v.10 are working flawlessly I don't see how the problem can be related to the browser(s) or their settings(s); I rather suspect that something has changed in X5, i.e. in the last update of v.11 (since before also the websites created with v.11 worked just fine).
If you think there is something wrong with my computer / browser settings please let me know and I'll try if it helps. Please keep in mind that I have the same issue on my desktop and work laptop.
Hope this can give you and your developers some clues.
Thanks and best regards
Hi Michael.
As I said before, every test I ran on any browser in v12 showed no error at all.
The best solution right now would be for you to sign up to some free webhosting and upload the website there in order for us to check what might be going wrong, as your project showed no problem on our computer.
Let me know
I have imported evo 10 and 2 evo 11 websites into version 12, all have google maps and all work seemlessly sorry.
If this is for "internal" purposes, why not simply take a screen shot and if you wish, link it to the true google location as I have done on my contact page?
Apologies - forgot the link
Dear Stefano,
noted your post above however you are not addressing the observations I have made and it seems that you have no explanation for the fact that the same website created with different versions of X5 are one time displayed correctly and another time not - how can that be?
I have no experience yet in uploading websites but will try to do that when I find some time.
@ Esahc: thanks fou your suggestions and this could get around this bug. In the end however I would like to understand if the problem is on my end or with X5.
thanks and best regards to both of you,
Hi Michael.
As I already ran different tests on your project and wasn't able to find anything wrong with it, it has become necessary that I observe whether or not something went wrong only on your side, or on your browser, and we-still-have-to-see where. Uploading to a free hosting is the best solution for this.
Thankyou for your patience
Dear Stefano,
I have been trying to register and upload with Altervista but with no sucess. Can you recommend other free hosting services?
As I said I'm using my webpages only locally and have never uploaded them so I do not know which services / sites I can trust.
Just to let you know that I tried the different webpages on a MacBook as well with exaclty the same result (fault).
So to me it can not be a problem with the browser. But why should X5 just on my machine create wrong websites?
Why is there is message "the file or directory can not be found" in Chrome"? To me this indicates that X5 is writing wrong HTML code....
One more: Can I open more than one post? I observed in v12 that in the page menues the actual site which is selected is not highlighted anymore. This worked in v10 and v11 - has there been a change?
Sorry if I'm bothering you but I'm running out of ideas how to describe the problem.
thanks for your efforts and best regardsMichael
Hi Michael.
It could be helpful for me to see what the error popping out in Chrome is.
If you can, please attach some screenshot showing as many details about the error as possible and let me know.
Dear Stefano,
please see attached.
How about the "menue" issue (see previous post) - can I open a new post for that?
best regards
Hello Michael,
As regards the menu issue, yes you should really open a new post for that as it is not connected to the topic discussed in this thread. However, before you do so please update your copy of WebSite X5 to the latest release as there have been several bug fixes to the menu in v12. You can update within the software itself, or alternatively download the updated setup file here:
The current version is - if you still have difficulty with the menu after updating then please feel free to open a new post.
Best wishes...
Hi Michael.
You should try and do this for me.
In Firefox, while navigating your page, press F12.
You should see the page's source code.
Look for the part where the Map is localted, and check the url.
Should it be something like //google.... etc, try and add http: before that.
Let me know if it works
I have exactly the same problem. I create an new project and add only one map object into the home page.
If I open the project in Preview window, the map will be shown correctly. If I export the website to a folder and open the site on firefox or IE, the map is not visible.
I tried you solution and added the "http:" before "//" and it works fine!
You should insert this solution into the next software update. Else I have to do that every time manually.
best regards,
in case INCOMEDIA fixes this issue, "https:" (not "http:") should be added in front of the url - like in version 10.
best regards,
Dear all,
thanks a lot for your patience and continued advise. Special thanks also to Esahc and Steffen.
It actually works by adding "https" in front of the link to google maps - good fix but would be nice if that can be corrected in an upcoming update as Steffen suggests.
Also the menu issue is working with the latest update of v.12.
So again thanks to all of you and I am going to close this post,
best regards