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Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Graphic Header not showing in responsive design X5 Pro v.12  en

Автор: Cos Petrondas
Просмотрено 2588, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I have enabled Responsive Design and uploaded my website, but testing this on an Android Smartphone the graphic header ( i.e. the name and logo of my company) is not showing in any of the pages including the home page.

Consequently, the site is showing without any indication of its name.

I have tried to include additional reference points without success.

Can somebody please help with this? The website is

Many thanks


2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Cos Petrondas,

Have you set up your Responsive Template Structure in addition to your Main Template Structure?

You need to create a separate header and footer for the mobile/smartphone viewport in accordance with the instructions in the WebSite X5 help file:

You customise the responsive template in Step 1 General Settings > Template Style > Responsive Template Structure  -  select 'Header' from the 'Page Section' drop-down menu.

If you want some text in the header image for the responsive template then you can use a free image editor such as Paint to create one.

You can also choose to display a company/organisation logo in lieu of the text.  Bear in mind that at mobile resolution the header can become very cramped, so the simpler the better.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Cos Petrondas
Cos Petrondas

Hi Paul

Thanks for your very informative and helpful reply. I will work on it according to your instructions and come back to you.

Thanks again


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Размещено От Cos Petrondas