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Malaika J.
Malaika J.

Auto Screen Adjustable Websites?  en

Автор: Malaika J.
Просмотрено 862, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

In a lot of advertising from website x5 for version 12 feature a website  "The responsive design" Is it possible for us to design websites in which there is no such border along the sides like modern and trendy websites? I have been with Website X5 for a long time and waiting for this feature... is it in Evolution 12? I want to know if I can design trendy looking websites like in

2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Andre E
Andre E

I am not really sure what you mean, cause I think it's always been possible with the latest versions (EVO). (to create sites with no border)

Have you seen this site?

Else test the demo and see if it fits your needs.

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