Size responsive menu should be different from desktop 
Автор: Tessa V.As the responsive menu will be accessed with a finger instead of a mouse, so it would be great if we could change the size of the buttons in responsive mode to be wider and higher than those in the desktop version.
For instance: I use a desktop screensize of 960 pix, I need 7 navigation buttons, so each is 120 pix. That makes the mobile version under the hamburger only 120 pix wide, while I would like it at 400 pix or so. Furthermore, under every navigation button, I need a lot of sublevels, so in desktop version, I like the hight of this buttons to be 20 to 30 pix at maximum; way to small for big fingers on the mobile version.....
By the way, I would love it if it was possible to make 2 different maps/navigation somehow, one for desktop and one for mobile.... I use dividers to arrange my subpages in groups, but in the mobile version I would like to make the menu simpler: hide the subpages and make the dividers into a page on its own from where the visitors can navigate to the actual subpages.
Have a look at .
This will show you what todo.
Thanks Nigel, but it still does not offer a solution, at least, not one that I can find there.....
I really need to be able to design my hamburger menu completely different from the normal menu. The way it is now, just does not work for sites with a lot of subpages and dividers/seperators in the drop down menu in my opinion.