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Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Calendar color and font  en

Автор: Wagner A.
Просмотрено 1173, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I just purchased the Calendar ad-on to be used on my web site but I am very disapointed since I am not able to modify the font and color background of this item.

The web site looks bad and one is not able to read well the description of the activity. As matter of fact, I had to split the activity in two in order to have a meaningfull description onj the screen.

Can anybody give me a hint on how to modify those fonts and colors ?

Site Ref:


4 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Stefano G.

Hi Alain

You should find the personalization for the colors when double clicking on the Object.

Were you not able to customize them?

Let me know and attach a screenshot of the object personalization if you can

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Размещено От Stefano G.
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Good morning Stefano,

I am able to modify :

1- the header

2 - the grid

but not the color of the calendar content imported with the ics file. look at the previous attachement


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Размещено От Wagner A.
Stefano G.

Hi Alain.

The color of those sections is actually autogenerated by the software, according to the colors you picked for the rest of the table.

This is why it is currently not available to pick separately.

I advise that you try different color combinations in order to find one that fits your needs.

Hope I've been helpful

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Размещено От Stefano G.
Wagner A.
Wagner A.

Thanks Stephano,

Not very helpfull but anyway I have to live with it.Try to put a color setting for the content on your next update.

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Размещено От Wagner A.