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Franz Collier
Franz Collier

Shopping Cart Form dont send emails  en

Автор: Franz Collier
Просмотрено 482, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I create a shopping cart in the first cuppon image here

I fill all the field in my set up instructions, even like a customer I fill email field, but this dont work, I dont receive an email.

Please check it

1 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Franz,

WebSite X5 has its own built-in email testing facility so that you can perform the necessary tests yourself, in order to find the correct script which works with your particular server.

Please visit the following URL:

Your username and password are the Admin credentials as defined in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Access Management

Once logged in click on 'WebSite Test' at the top of the screen.  You will then see a section entitled 'Test your email settings'

Use the Email Form Script Type dropdown menu to select each of the five possible scripts in turn, and send test emails using each one, utilising all the various options and settings until you find the correct options for your server.

Once you have found the right script you can then set this to be the default for your project in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Data Management > Email

Kind regards,


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