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Semantha V.
Semantha V.

Email form does not work  nl

Автор: Semantha V.
Просмотрено 1758, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hello everybody,

The emailform on my website does not work.
I've tried to get it to work, but when i look at the provider i can see the message in the attachment.
I have deblocked it but every time i try again it blocks again.
Can someone please help me.

2 Ответы
Semantha V.
Semantha V.

When i try to fill in the form, i gett the confermation emails (thank you for sending your question etc) in the email i have given. But the form does not come to the email adres where the form needs to go to.

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Размещено От Semantha V.
Andre E
Andre E

Goto to step 4 datamanagemend, below you can set a lower script version.

Try this, upload site and test again.

Let me know if it has helped.

BR André

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Размещено От Andre E