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N. Chandrasiri
N. Chandrasiri

How to make search engine result with images or video ?  en

Автор: N. Chandrasiri
Просмотрено 2665, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Today is happy day for me. really i never study web designing language. But after i get this website x5 pro 12 software, i think i can proffesional about this webdesign :D

any way today i published my website.. but this is testing yet now. but i complete the site 95%

so when i search some word in search engine i can get good result.. but i can't see any image with result.  so how can i fixed this? 

ex : my site provide logo, businesscard, letterhead templates...i have seperate pages for all templates. 

logo page :
businesscard page :

exsample search in my site : businesscard

after i can get this is  result :

but i want this result with my businesscard main image.. 

similar like this site :

this is my noemal page about businesscard :

waiting for your good result


best regards 
nuwan chandrasiri

3 Ответы
Stefano G.

Hi Chandrasir.

As of now,  the search function works exactly like that. It won't be able to give you the image preview of what you're looking for, just the webpage.

If you're interested in seeing the search function work like that, I suggest you open an "idea" topic in order for the Staff to better keep track of it in the future.

Alternatively, you can look up online working scripts that can give you this result.

Let me know

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Размещено От Stefano G.
Stefano G.

Hi Chandrasir.

I would need to ask you to please let me have your project to test:

You can send us an email with the project file (the file with .IWZIP extension) as attachment to using as Subject “Post 136444 per Stefano G.”
If your project size is more than 10 megabytes, you can use online services like to send  us your project.
To export the project you want to send us, please use the function “Export the Project” in Step 5 and save it in C://.

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Размещено От Stefano G.