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Amélie L.
Amélie L.

Creation balises h1, h2... avec Website Evolution 10  fr

Автор: Amélie L.
Просмотрено 2751, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

J'ai lu une série de posts sur le sujet mais je voudrais une idée claire et globale de la manière de définir soi-même ses balises h1, h2, etc... Cette difficulté est une grosse faiblesse du programme.

Faut-il supprimer les instrutions "imhidden" pour la balise h1 dans le programme ?

Peut-on effectivement définir ses balises avec le bouton "activer code html" de l'éditeur texte en tapant simplement <h1>mon titre</h1> ?

Faut-il passer par un pavé html&widget mais comment alors lui conférer une dimension acceptable sur la page (ce qui se génère automatiquement ets très grand) ?

5 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Claudio D.


The program generates automatically the H1 Tag by using the website title and page title. If you want to have your own which you add in the HTML&Widget object you need to remove the one added by the program since every pagecan have only one h1 tag. To do so you can go in

C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSite X5 v10 - Evolution\Templates\_Custom

And there edit the 2 html files by removing the code:

<h1 class="imHidden"><!-- PageTitle --><!-- TitleSeparator --><!-- SiteTitle --></h1>

In this way the program will no longer generate the tag in every project and you can add your own.

About how to style the tag you add in the HTML&Widget object unfortunately I cannot help you since we do not provide support for custom HTML code.

Many thanks!

***** Google Translation:

Le programmegénère automatiquement leTagH1en utilisant letitre du siteet la pagetitre.Sivous voulez avoirvotre propreque vousajoutezdans l'objetHTMLWidgetvous devez supprimerceluiajoutépar leprogramme depuistouspagePuisont seulement unebalise h1.Pour ce faire, vous pouvez allerdans
C:\Program Files (x86)\WebSite X5V10-Evolution\ Templates \_Custom
Etilmodifierlesfichiers html2en supprimantle code:
<h1 class= "imHidden"><! -PageTitle-><! -TitleSeparator-><! -Sitetitle-></h1>
De cette façon,le programmene génère plusle tagdans chaque projetet vous pouvezajouter votre propre.
A propos dela façon decoifferle tagque vous ajoutezdans l'objetwidget HTML, malheureusement, jene peux pasvous aidercar nous nefournissons pas de supportpour le codeHTML personnalisé.
Merci beaucoup!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
Amélie L.
Amélie L.

Thank you Claudio.

It is very useful for SEO to insert h1, h2, h3... tags, which indeed can be done with the html-widget tool. But the main problem is indeed to properly (and preferably easily...) control the size on the cell created with that tool, because it is unnecessarily huge.

I can read that several people are logically facing the same problem and I have seen your answers.

Would things be easier with the html editing capacities of version 12 ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

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Размещено От Amélie L.
Claudio D.


The sizes of the Heading tags are standard but thesecan be easily styled with some custom HTML code in the HTML code object in the program.

The way to achnieve this is the same like in version 10 since if you add these tags you need to add a style manually.

Generally the search engines looks principally for H1 and H2 since these are the important tags to organize the websites for them.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.

Hello Claudio,

I have the same question not for v10 but for WebSite X5 V12 Evolution.

I cannot find these 2 files in _custom directory that contain the <h1 class="imHidden">EXAMPLE</h1> to remove it.

_custom folder contains only one file base.html and it doesnt contain the tag I am looking for to delete.

Thank you in advance.

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Размещено От ANASTASIA M.
Claudio D.


In case of Version 12 you need to edit the base.html file by removing

<!--HeaderTitle--><!-- PageTitle --><!-- TitleSeparator --><!-- SiteTitle --><!--/HeaderTitle-->

after <div id="imHeader">

Once done press in the project CTRL while you open the preview.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.