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W. Bulk
W. Bulk

Badwordlist for guestbook  en

Автор: W. Bulk
Просмотрено 2218, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

On one of my X5-V12 created websites I have added the included guestbook. I've configured the guestbook that de message will only be publiced after my approval.

Unless I've marked the captcha I'm recieving lots of guestbookspam. I'm deleting these messages all the time by the admin-page, so they won't be published.

My old guestbook had an editable badwordlist what worked very fine to stop most of these spamtrash. I didn't find this option in the X5-V12 guestbook and was wondering if this can be added in a futureversion.
