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Rob Madden
Rob Madden

Webfont not working  en

Автор: Rob Madden
Просмотрено 2623, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

I am using Website x5 Evolution v12.

I have installed all 4 font files into the webfont preference menu.

The font (lintsec) was obtained from Fontsquirrel. (lintsec.ttf, .woff, .svg, .eot)

I cannot seem to get the webfont to show i any browser except where the .ttf is loaded in OS.

URL is

Did I miss something?  Thanks!

9 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


Hopefully someone else here will offer the appropriate advice when using fontsquirrel. I would love to offer advice, but my only experience is with google fonts (& only with one font family at a time so far).

If google fonts has what you require, I would be more than happy to offer what advise and experience I can.  I successfully got my preferred font to work thoughout my whole site (including the blog) with the simple inclusion of some html code in the website header.

If fontsquirrel offers this code fragment for inclusion, you may wish to try it (the html code will be invisible to the user)

Good luck.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Rob Madden
Rob Madden

@Esahc..:  Google fonts might be my next step if I cannot get Web Font to work. Thanks!

@Pcssa: Yes, I had previously reviewed those instructions. I downloaded the web font kit from Fontsquirrel and then inserted all 4 files into the x5 web font preferences per the x5 Help menu instructions "How to Download a Font from Fontsquirrel" and "How to Use Web Fonts".  The x5 Help menu instructions for "How to Use Web Fonts" only directs the user to install the 4 font files into the x5 preferences menu with no additional direction for *.css entry or html header entry.  I am wondering if the x5 Help instructions are incomplete...?

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Размещено От Rob Madden
Stefan L.
Stefan L.

I second on that!

With WebsiteX5 professional 12 I reach for loading a webfont version of gemanist ( They (atipo) supply all four species (ttf, wof, svg, eot).

One may happily select the files, but as soon as the webfont overview gets displayed again, it comes clear that someting went wrong: Near to the new TT-Icon I get merely something like .[] instead of the font name.

Do I miss the obvious?


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Размещено От Stefan L.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you read the licence ?

In x5 you have to have the "ttf" as well - which is not allowed/working with the free fonts . . .

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Размещено От Pcssa .
Stefan L.
Stefan L.

Ummm, I'm not sure whether I get the point. says:

this font family can be embed into one (1) website (unlimited pageviews) so that it can be displayed on any browser. this license does not need to be renewed.
the fonts are provided in woff, eot, ttf and svg formats.

not allowed:
• no desktop installation allowed.
• developers need a desktop license to work with the fonts on their computers.

Well, there's nothing special said about ttf. I cannot see what you refer to.

And yes, I've got the geomanist desktop flavour licensed/installed.

I'm sort of lost in the dark, I've to admit.

@Pcssa, could you please be a bit more specific.



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Размещено От Stefan L.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . i just bought the webfont from atipo  - its NOT working in x5 (my other webfonts from another company are working fine) . . .

So possibly the fonts are not compiled correctly ?

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Размещено От Pcssa .
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you read the instructions how to implement into webpage ? Its "strange" what atipo needs to . . .

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Размещено От Pcssa .
Stefan L.
Stefan L.

@Pcssa: Thank you for trying that in your environment, too!

And, yes I've read their instructions and came to the conclusion that X5 will do the job (css and html header stuff), as soon I select/use the font.

To my perception, atipo supplied the code examples for those who use a less automatic web IDE than X5 is.

Am I wrong?

In fact one cannot even propperly load the font into X5, and hence I think you're right in that the web fonts may have some internal issues.

Unfortunately I am expected to stick to geomanist, since it's part of a corporate identity.

Is there anyone from incomedia around, who could help us forth, please?

ThanX in advance!

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Размещено От Stefan L.