X5 professional 12 stopped working 
Автор: Nikola P.
Просмотрено 1537,
Подписчики 1,
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x5 professional 12 stopped working...
Why does thishappen often?What's the problem?
Hello Nikola P.,
Can you please tell me which windows version you are using?
Does it happens on a specific function of the program?
Many thanks!
I have a windows 10 professional version of 64bit. It happens only when I try to previev my site.
Hi Nikola,
Are you able to preview the site or is it just a blank screen. If so are you able to access text or tablet objects and see / edit the data.
If so I have also got the problem see https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/post/139628
regards Nigel
Hello Nikola,
Does it happens only on this project or also if you start a new one?
Try to repair the .NET Frameworks:
Go to Control Panel > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off
Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. Clear also the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6 and then click on OK.
After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and 4.6 and then click ok.
And if this should not help proceed to install Visual C++ from following link by choosing the x86 Version also if your OS is 64bit:
Many thanks!