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Ben Emery
Ben Emery

Image Placement  en

Автор: Ben Emery
Просмотрено 1795, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Hi Guys,

I am looking for some help on placement of images. I am currently building my first ever website and I am about 4 hours in now and I am having trouble with getting the images to go where I want them to. I have attached some screenshots in the hope that it may help someone help me. As you will see in the screenshots, I am trying to stagger the pictures down either side of the web page wthe a text box in the middle. It does appear however that no matter where I put the pictures one the grid they stil move to the top of the page and just go together even if i put spaces between the image boxes. In the screen shot you will see that I have put random pictures in the image boxes at the side in the hope that they might then be seperated but they are not.

Just one other thing sligthly off topic. I dont know if it is possible to start with a completely blank template and then add your header, footer. boarders etc.? The reason that I ask I want to make a site where the menu bar and header/footer will go all the way across the web page rather than having to stop where the header/footer border is, leaving either a blank space or having to fill with a colour of image. I have tried to simply make the width of the header/footer border small in width but the option all though visible in the options wil not allow me to change the size att all.

Any help on either topic will be greatly appreicated!

Thanks for your help and comments in advance.

1 Ответы
Лучший пользователь месяца ES

You can separate the central text in various text objects to align the content of each text object with the images.

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