WebSite X5Help Center

Walt P.
Walt P.

Email form not working all of a sudden?  en

Автор: Walt P.
Просмотрено 2122, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I realized I had not received any "emails" lately...  The website form is not working it seems like.  The email address works and I have tested that numerous times.  I tried uploading ALL docs thinking maybe something got messed up, but nothing. Still no emails are coming through from the form.  Not sure what the issue is, I even created another directory to try that, and that did not work either.

Here are the 2 directories.

The "/web" is the new one I tried to see if that resolved, it did not.  I uploaded a new project, however the only change was a background image and adding a field on the form. I have REMOVED that field from the form, so I am not sure if that did it or not, as I can't get an form submissions to come through.  Again the email works, no issues there, it must be the form is my guess, but not sure exactly what is causing the issue.  

Help! I feel I have missed emails from potential customers for at least a week.

1 Ответы
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Walt,

WebSite X5 has a comprehensive email testing facility which allows you to diagnose issues like this.  It is accessed from your website 'control panel'.

You will find full instructions on how to use the control panel in the official help file:

Kind regards,


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