Where did my miniatures go? 
Автор: Theo L.
Просмотрено 2006,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
I've included a gallery in my website. Until yesterday everything went fine: add a picture and a description, it all worked as planned. Suddenly when I added a new entry yesterday all miniatures disappeared (see attachtment).
Would like to know how to solve this...
Thanks in advance!
KR,Theo Legters
Try to use preview with ctrl- button pressed. And see if all pictures are there (this takes a bit longer to load) if yes, then do a full upload,
Well, I previewed with Ctrl, but I'm afraid that didn't solve the problem. Please have a looK at http://www.stichtingmusicavocalis.nl/leden-stellen-zich-voor.html
Do you have the miniatures in preview ?
try also full upload.
Heb je al geprobeerd de miniaturen kleiner te maken t.o.v. de orginele foto? Formaten kunnen nog wel eens van invloed zijn op weergave