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Ninjel Lukovac
Ninjel Lukovac

Do we need to remove lower versions after upgrade?  en

Автор: Ninjel Lukovac
Просмотрено 1432, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I had upgraded home version to evolution few months ago. Also, want to upgrade to professional sometimes in the future. Currently, both of aforesaid versions are installed. If new license is purchased as an upgrade, should we remove lower (home) version from PC?

3 Ответы
Gabriele P.
Gabriele P.

...absolutely not; you can mantain all version you hold into your pc, if you like...

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Размещено От Gabriele P.
Ninjel Lukovac
Ninjel Lukovac

Thank you Paul for answer, as well as for your help with evolution upgrade.

Kind regards,


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