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Leonardo B.
Leonardo B.

Insert phton code  en

Автор: Leonardo B.
Просмотрено 1109, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi, it is possible to insert ptyon code to access an external web service ?

How to do it , if possible ?

Many thanks

3 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Leonardo,

Do you mean Python code?  If so then this is not possible.

You can use PHP to access web services within WebSite X5, but you will have to source and maintain the code yourself, as custom code is not supported officially by Incomedia.

Kind regards,


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Размещено От Paul M.
Leonardo B.
Leonardo B.

Hi Paul, thanks for you answer. Yes, it was Python what I mean. Sorry for the typing error.

So if I create that code manually and mantain myself, it will work , correct ?

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Размещено От Leonardo B.