Автор: Soulx E.Hello
I run http://www.upwlive.com - and have been using websitex5 since version 8.
My websites are getting more content with videos now and require regular updates, so require more regular updates than being static. I am now faced with the issue I have had since I started using website x5 and never got round to post to look for support.
Now im considering upgrading x5 to the new 12pro but i need answers.
Due to the number of videos now embedded on the site using the websitex5 player (i dont want to use a 3rd party vimeo or youtube etc. due to branding) even if I make a small change to the news section or looking to add a new video I need to upload ALL the videos again (even for the slightest smallest change) as I export all files to disk and upload through my ftp software (cuteFTP)
Reason I do this is because when I enter my server details and try to just click update through the x5 software nothing happens so im forced to export all files to disk and upload ALL OF THEM individually and seperately through cuteFTP.
Now the videos are getting bigger in size and are taking longer to upload so this way of working is no longer feasable and is one of the main reasons the site has not had an update (ive been getting away with it being static for too long now) but so much is happening and i cant update the site because it needs to upload all the videos again every time I edit and need to update.
Surely, I can keep the source website on x5 and upload the initial site then every time I need to make an update or change, simply load the software make the change and click update and the software would only update the page/changes Ive made and organise it properly without the need to uploading/overwriting all the big video files.
does this make sense?
Does the new x5 12 pro solve this problem, what is the problem, does anyone else need to do this? Is it FTP issues or server side permissions i dont know. but it doesnt work for me and i need to export files to disk and upload through cute ftp.
Hello Soulx E.,
You should use the internal export function to make once a complete export and then if you make only a small change on the export you will find the option to export only the changed pages.
If you export to disk to upload it with an external ftp client the program won't be able to compare with the online files what needs only to be updated.
As alternative, since most of the videos are already online you could replace them with the links to the files online so the program won't export the videos and use the videos which are already online.
Many thanks!