WebSite X5Help Center

Fiona H.
Fiona H.

Error while Project loading  en

Автор: Fiona H.
Просмотрено 1251, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  
Тэги: incomedia

I am using website x5 evolution 8 and my project is saved as C;\ (......).iwp

Error while loading project is preventing me from editing or even getting into my website. What do i do?

I had recently linked to some microsoft word documents and this problem has occured since then.

Thanks for your help

1 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Fiona H.,

After the release of Version 11, Incomedia is no longer providing technical support for Version 8 of WebSite X5, except for matters regarding how to install and register the licence key.

We suggest to those who are still using a licence of WebSite X5 Evolution 8, to check the availability of updates and in if you find any, to download and install them.

We would like to remind you the updates can be found in  the "Download" page.

If you have any questions or issues concerning the functions in version 8 of WebSite X5 you will still be able to use the resources available here on Answers:

  • You can use the search field to find the answer in other discussions opened in the past, or look into the published FAQs;
  • You can open a new public post to ask other users for advice and talk with the community.

Many thanks!

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