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Nathan B.
Nathan B.

Entry Page with Language Selection no Responsive Design option?  en

Автор: Nathan B.
Просмотрено 2495, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Using X5 Pro v12, I have a website with an Entry Page with language selection (there are 2 languages for the website).  While the Entry Page looks great on a desktop PC size, it does not seem as though there is Responsive Design option for mobile devices?  When I test on the mobile device it does not adjust the size and does not look good.  I did try setting the "Detect resolution automatcially" option for the Entry Page, but then the language selection is no longer on the entry page, and my image for the Entry Page disappeared.

How do set an Entry Page for that has language choice and is responsive to differenct screen sizes?

9 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Nathan B.
Nathan B.

Hi Simone,

That post does not answer this question.  This question is about the Entry Page.  The other post is about putting icons on the page.  I don't see anythign about the Entry Page in the other post you pointed me towards?

Are you able answer this question about the Entry Page.


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Размещено От Nathan B.
Simone G.

Hi Nathan,

could you please tell us your website's url?

I've tested and the entry page with the choice of the language seems to work properly.

Please let me know, thank you very much

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Размещено От Simone G.
Nathan B.
Nathan B.

i Simone,

My URL is

The choice of language works fine.  That is not my question.  My question is, if you load it on a mobile device, the resolution of the entry page is still at full desktop resolution.  Hence, "looks" rubbish on a mobile device.  It still works though, but looks rubbish.  So, my question is, is there a way for the Entry Page to be "responsive"?  I could not see any way to achieve that, IF you have language seleciton also.


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Размещено От Nathan B.
Simone G.

Hi Nathan,

I've checked and what happens seems to depend on the background of your entry page, that appear complete and not reduced, even if the software creates the responsive design.

I suggest you to insert an image as content, or a customized html code.

Please let me know if I can help you any further, thank you!

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Размещено От Simone G.
Nathan B.
Nathan B.

Hi Simone,

I am sorry, that does not resolve the issue.  

The Entry Page is an image already.  And yes, you are right in that it appers complete and not reduced.  That is the problem I am raising with you.  I am happy to to create a responsive version of the image (ie a smaller size customised for a smaller screen) - but I can not find anyway in the software where I can apply that smaller version of the image?

Of course I could have no image - but what is the point of the blank entry page?

Does the software support responsive design for the Entry Page?  

If so, perhaps you could explain how to do it - because I can't see the option anywhere?


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Размещено От Nathan B.
John S.
John S.

Hello nathan

It is not the right solution, but as Your background does not fill the screen entrely, You could use it as an image. The image is adaptive. If You give it the half size or 3/4 size of the screen, You will auutomatically have the language "buttons" beneath the picture. If You resize the screen the image also resizes and adapts the new screen size and keep the language buttons beneath.

Hope this helps You

Kind regards


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Размещено От John S.
Nathan B.
Nathan B.

Hi Schwartz,

I am using an image file for the Page Background at the moment, and a transparent image (as the software would not allow that to be blank) in the Page Contents - see attachement.

So, it would seem as though the image file in the Page Background section does not resize.

Are you saying to put an image in the Page Contents section - which I am assuming you are saying that would be adaptive? and is above the buttons, and just do something simple for the Page Background section - such as a single colour or repeat pattern image?

What I did not like about the Page Contents section is that on a Desktop it is tiny, and not much can fit in there - but is this the only way around it?



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Размещено От Nathan B.
John S.
John S.

Hello Nathan

Yes - I suggest You to use an image in the page contents section, and use a background color in the page background.

The size of the image in the page content, should be smaller than full screen.

maybe 800 x 600 or what suits best.

You should then see Your image and the language buttons beneath the image in the entry page. If You resize the window You should see the image shrink and the language buttons still beneath the image.

Hope You can use it this way.

Kind regards


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Размещено От John S.