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Hans B.
Hans B.

Updating responsive grid  nl

Автор: Hans B.
Просмотрено 2756, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

A website made in Evolution 11 and imported in Evolution 12 has some pages with a lot of tekstfields which are linked to other pages.

When I try to change the number of lines of these pages I get a message "Updating responsive grid"   see annex

This message remains forever, so I have to close the programm by force.

Can anybody help me to overcome this problem?

Thanks in advance,

Hans Bertram

2 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Diego Z.
Diego Z.

Hi hans, try deleting the empty cells , or adding empty text object .

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Размещено От Diego Z.
Diego Z.
Diego Z.

This error occurs when there are many unused cells

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Размещено От Diego Z.