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lottie jansen
lottie jansen

Am getting many 'Image Generation Errors'.  nl

Автор: lottie jansen
Просмотрено 1960, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Am working on a website for many days, and since today I suddenly have this specific problem which I never had before. 

  • I insert a Photo in a Photo element.
  • I preview the page and instead of some of the photos (not all) I get a message like attached.
  • I open the problematic elements, press save, and the preview is correct again. 
  • While continuing to make changes and addition the problems comes back but with different photos on the page. 
  • Tried many things to solve it, but in the end the only workaround is to recreate the entire page. 
  • Now also pages that were correct are showing this problem. All photos were correct, for one page I changed the Quality/sampling settings of all photos, and randomly I got the same error for 4 our of 10 pictures.
  • If I upload to the website, the same corrupted pics also do not work there. 

Anybody an idea? 

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


The only time I have had this issue was with large photos. Are you using WX5 to resample resize, or an external editor?

The maximum width of your photos on the website would appear to be less than 1024px wide, you could use a photo editor to resize the source photos (or irfanview is free) to a maximum width of 1024.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
L.R. Van Lith
L.R. Van Lith

Ik heb hetzelfde als ik wsX5 opstart voordat ik eerst een verkenner heb gestart.
Als je een verkenner start zie je dan bij de schijven waar je bestanden staan een rode X.

Als je nu wsX5 zou starten is het standaardpad ook terug gezet op de standaardinstelling C:\....etc.

Als je nu vervolgens een project gaat openen zijn al je linken met afbeeldingen verbroken...

Vóór het opstarten van wsX5 eerst de schijven in de verkenner aanklikken zodat de rode X weg is, en alles gaat dan goed.

Is misschien niet de oplossing in jouw geval, maar proberen kan altijd... :-)

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Размещено От L.R. Van Lith
lottie jansen
lottie jansen

Was using X5 to resample. Used first BILINEAR and 95%, but since some photos got pixelated, I change for some to BICUBIC for some also quality 100%. Then they were no longer pixelated. 

With reading the comment of Esahc, I thought that maybe the first setting (Bilinear and/or 95%) all photos remained below the threshold, and changing this setting for some photos to BILINEAR and 100% gave no problem and they were still below the threshold, but apparently for some photos it got just above. Which would explain why before all photos were OK => I change this setting for a few photos => Result still OK, so I changed for all. Then I made other changes to the site and suddenly after uploading many photos had that error message. 

To test: for one page I put all photos to Bilinear and 95% and 1 photo to BICUBIC and 90%, and now that page looks OK. Will upload and if that also is OK, then change this setting for the other pages. And for the photos that are too pixelated, try out settings until there is no more error. 

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Размещено От lottie jansen