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Peter A.
Peter A.

One page site, navigation to page section from menu, fix/hide menü while scrl  de

Автор: Peter A.
Просмотрено 1129, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

How to create one page site?

To create a page with sections, seems to be possible with the smart page building tool.

(1) But how to create side to side running background for these sections?

(2) How to navigate these section-top from the menu? (Without code hancking. :)

(3) How to fix/hide the menu at the top while scrolling the page? (Without code magic.)

As an example it can be seen:

Hope there is an answer! I hope websitex5 uses websitex5 to create it-self!

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Dieter D.
Dieter D.

Hi Peter!

(1) When editing your page you are able to set that in the line layout (button above the responsive settings) in V13 (cool new feature).

(2) You set an anchor for each section. In the sitemap you add levels, in the properties of the levels you can link them to your page and the anchor you set before.

(3) Just got that one sorted out:

Hope that helps,

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