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Roy Esterhuizen
Roy Esterhuizen

Evolution 13 images in post blurry  en

Автор: Roy Esterhuizen
Просмотрено 1431, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have just installed Evolution 13, have been using 12 for a while, and I notice that images that are put onto any site become very blurry, no matter what the size.

3 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

Strange, do you have the website adress? maybe attache the picture here.

Did you try a new project, different place of picture or different picture?

At my end no problems with pictures.....

Hope these pointers help.

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Размещено От Andre E
Roy Esterhuizen
Roy Esterhuizen

I am redoing a site in evolution 13 that I built in 12, because the import failed. I am using the same design, the same pictures, but when I look at the preview, the pictures are blurry in the evolution13 preview and clear in the evolution 12 preview.

I also recreated the picture, a png file, made it larger and with a higher resolution, same results.

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Размещено От Roy Esterhuizen
Andre E
Andre E

Can you attach the picture?

Is it online on a website, what's web page, maybe that helps also.


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Размещено От Andre E