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Nikolaj S.
Nikolaj S.

Danish in X5 v13 Please  en

Автор: Nikolaj S.
Просмотрено 1684, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


In X5 v11 their is an option for danish language. Will v13 come with that sooner og later, or is it possible to use the language file from version 11 in v13?

best regards

Nikolaj S

3 Ответы
John S.
John S.

Yes - And Danish language in ver 13 pro also.

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Размещено От John S.
Samantha M.

Dear Nikolaj,

good morning. I am very happy to inform you that we have added the Danish translation into version 13 of WebSite X5. I apologise once more for making you wait so long and hope you will be able to fully enjoy your program now. 

Wishing you a lovely day,


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Размещено От Samantha M.
Kim Hansen
Kim Hansen

Remember, it requires a new installation before it works in Danish

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Размещено От Kim Hansen