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George G.
George G.

ASAP site doesn't work on mobiles after upgrade to version 13  en

Автор: George G.
Просмотрено 2403, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hello ,

I did upgrade from v11 PRO to v13 PRO , site , site looks OK on PC browser but not possible to open it from cell phone , checked on Android Sumsung, please advise ASAP , maybe need to do rollback to v11

I can see only top and bottom on cell browser in cell vertical position and it is very big if I move cell to gotisontal position I can see the context of site but it is big.

3 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

Set the site to responsive.

goto step2 template - customization, select resolutions / responsive design, set responsive on.

then upload and check again.

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Размещено От Andre E
George G.
George G.


I just did a same for all and it is ok now

Thank you

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Размещено От George G.
Andre E
Andre E


Glad it's solved.

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Размещено От Andre E