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Miltiadis D.
Miltiadis D.

Product settings  en

Автор: Miltiadis D.
Просмотрено 819, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

in the product settings Options, I set an option,

where does it appears in the cart?

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Christine O.
Christine O.

In the cart you will find i under the headline of the productdescription and the customer are able to change it in the productlist if they want, before they finish their order.

In the productpage the options shows under the productdescription and availability, with the price and shoppingcartobject in bottom.

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Размещено От Christine O.
Miltiadis D.
Miltiadis D.

Thank you but I cant see the options that I wrote

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Размещено От Miltiadis D.
Christine O.
Christine O.

When you insert your options, do you click on add, and then write your information in the fields who comes up then?

You have to do that for each one of your options, and if you have more options for the product, you also have to click add on the sub options settings for each one if you have this.

You can see how it looks on on the frontside.

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Размещено От Christine O.