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David L.
David L.

Conversions from Ver:12 Profesional ( Demo mode ) to Ver 13 Everlution  en

Автор: David L.
Просмотрено 461, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hi there , Ive created a website using Ver12 profesional ( Demo ) - Unregestered ver

i have now bought Ver 13 Everlution and would like to import my project , but will net open

Is there a way to convert it ?

I have not used any of the advanced fetures that the Profesional ver offers ..

3 Ответы - 2 Полезно
Serg Linds
Serg Linds

Impossible. You not can convert project from Pro to Evo.

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Размещено От Serg Linds
Andre E
Andre E


Serg is correct, you need to start over again, or buy pro....

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Размещено От Andre E