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Franz Collier
Franz Collier

Website X5 Manager  en

Автор: Franz Collier
Просмотрено 846, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

If I create  a website under a domain name like subdomain, example, where "tu mercadito" is  located in a especific folder, can I give them acces only to their pages. They will not have acces to the main pages.

2 Ответы
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

I think that you need a custom code for this... Or try the login a then go create a individual link for every customer...

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Размещено От X5 Croatia
Claudio D.

Hllo Franz,

If a project is uploaded in a subfolder then the user will have access with the website xs5 manager only to this project.

Every project is separated and if you give the login data for thisproject then they have access only to this one.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.