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Toon L.
Toon L.

Mailform gives PHP error on one website on another one not. Same webserver  en

Автор: Toon L.
Просмотрено 1782, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

on  the webform gives a PHP 500 error.

On it is working fine.

Both are create with website X5 v13 and are on the same server, just another subfolder. 

The server has 5 websites only this partticular one does not want to send webforms.

Both use standard script and POST.

I don't know what goes wrong. What file can I change or where do I have to look. In X5 I did not faound the difference.

I migrated for testing the websites to another server and get the same result. One is working the other one not

3 Ответы - 1 Полезно - 1 Корректно
Toon L.
Toon L.

sorry it is   I forgot the c!

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Размещено От Toon L.
Claudio D.

Hello Toon L.,

I tested the email form on your website and it is working correctly. Did you receive the test email I sent you?

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.