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Rik M.
Rik M.

New features of V9  en

Автор: Rik M.
Просмотрено 2150, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 44  
Тэги: maps

Some of my first findigs about version 9:

- Some effects disapeared from the image editor

- Too many pulldownmenus: the screens are bigger, but al lot op options that were visable on 1 screen in v8 now are all hidden behind a vast number of pulldowns making it it difficult to have a complete overview

- Why are some gallery's only available using flash? It's a pitty as it is not compatible with some mobile devices (eg ipad) One of the strong points of v8 was that it could be seen on any platform.

- I can no longer define the thikcness of the lines abobe and below the page header

- If i set the new image copy protection on, with a watermark, the image becomes a flash object

- slow start of the program Google map is not shown properly. (in test, haven't uploaded it yet)

- I use custom google fonts. They showed up in test in v8,they don't in v9. Don't know wat happens after uploading, haven't test it yet.

But for now, i'll keep using 8 for a while.

Kind regards, Rik Meeuws

18 Ответы
X5 Croatia
X5 Croatia

Thank you for information... I'm happy that you told us problems with ipad... I've did not have a opp. tu test it but i have a question abb. menu (buttons) is there any impruvments... (png format maybe)

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Размещено От X5 Croatia
Henrik Hansen
Henrik Hansen

I agree. Why make the slideshows and gallery into flash??

I will stay tuned, but keep using 8 for now.

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Размещено От Henrik Hansen
Claudio N.


There's Flash but also there are galleries made using JavaScript. We introduced flash because so many customers asked for it.

If i set the new image copy protection on, with a watermark, the image becomes a flash object

Of course, this is the only real method to prevent a user to download an image from your site. The image is encrypted and only flash (using a key) can show it.

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Rik M.
Rik M.

Hi Claudio,

I know there are galleries available using JS only, but the 'slideshow' used to work with JS, now it's flash. Whu not have a checkbox at the settings screen to NOT use flash and then use the code as it worked in V8.

More and more prdoducts are walking away from flash, ash htnl5 eventialy will gave simular possibilities. V9 introduces it! Strange.

As i said before: i love(d) X5 because it worked on any platform, from windows to ipad, from  any mobile phone to u unix box. It doesn't anymore (or i have to leave features out i could use in 8)

Furthermore: eg. what is the reason why 3d effects on the header of a frame ar gone?
Now it's even not possible to have a normal colored background behind a title.
In V9, the text starts completely to the left (ther was soms space between the border and title in V8). If i change the horizontal space, my background color moves with it! Can't imagine

I hoped that v9 would concentrate on 'real issues' like upgrading the shop (including pictures) from a spreadsheet. (and not have to type price changes manualy)

Or support for google fonts.
In V8, i've added some manual code to make them work, and they did.
In V9, with the code on the same place, the don't.

If i wouldn't know better, i could think that V8 is actually an upgrade from V9.


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Размещено От Rik M.
Claudio N.

Some of the issues you've found are related to the fact that most users are still used to HTML4 and its constraints. Old code, sometimes, does not work simply because now we're on HTML5.

On WebSite X5 V9 you can use Google Fonts as usual. Simply add a CSS directive in a in the header containing something like:

<style type="text/css">@import url(;</style>

About JS and Flash, actually we moved to flash as it permits to use more advanced animations on almost every browsers. HTML+JS permits to do the same but we want to get more support from the most used browsers before switching to pure HTML5. Wink

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Nigel W.
Nigel W.

What has happened to the ability to use different boxes and font and fill colours on the "tip on mouseover"?

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Размещено От Nigel W.
Claudio N.

Hello Nigel,

We switched to CSS3 to render the boxes so the style has changed as well. Now you can change its style from step 4 -> "Styles and Models". There you can change its styles.

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Размещено От Claudio N.
M. K.
M. K.

Ok, now I'm a bit disappointed with the new version. The issues I have are:

- saving project to disc results in hanging of Evo9 most of the time (I understand they're working on it)

- email form and confirmation mail in e-commerce don't work on my server (this worked perfectly in 8!)

- captcha doesn't work (I get some strange icon instead of the captcha images); the old version in 8 does!

- horizontal (an maybe vertical, didn't check that one) gallery doesn't work; gives error generating images instead of images

I think all these problems have been mentioned on this forum already, so I didn't start a new topic, but I would like to see those issues solved in an update. I'm feeling like a paying beta-tester now as all the additions in 9 don't work for me, while 8 worked perfectly.

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Размещено От M. K.
M. K.
M. K.

It now turns out that the cause of the email and captcha problems lie within the conversion of my project. I've started a new project and used the new admin, mail, blog, captcha and res directories and now it works.

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Размещено От M. K.
Molham M.
Molham M.

i am using the V9 Beta 1692.

V9 gallery's only available in flash not JavaScript!!!! Surprised

And now i cannot see my galleries in iPad. These days people are using iPad, mobile devices, i can’t understand when you say “We introduced flash because so many customers asked for it ", not everyone asking for that flash, you need to add the option to use JavaScript. Most of my friends using iPad and mobile devices and they are not able to see flash. I have 3 website that am trying to get rid of the flash on them, to make the site combatable with devices.

And by the way the imPreview in V9 is so slow it takes forever than V8. Sometimes it doesn’t show anything.

i will post any issues with V9 to help. and get help Smile

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Размещено От Molham M.
Claudio N.

Hello Molham,

In the V9 Gallery's options, you can choose if use a flash or a JS gallery. The JS Galleries are the ones called "Horizontal thumbnails", "Vertical Thumbnails" etc. Wink

Also, we're going to release the first stable update to fix the issues reported by the users.

Thank you!

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Molham M.
Molham M.

Thank you Claudio Smile , that works, "Horizontal thumbnails" , i didnt know that, because it didnt explaine it in the software, i was using the " Horizantal Galleries" because i liked them, but now i will use the the JS "Horizontal thumbnails".

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Размещено От Molham M.
Dennis B.
Dennis B.

Hello Claudio,

Could you kindly tell me when you will launch the update to fix the issues reported above? Unfortunately we can't use V9 until these problems have been solved, since we are running a B&B on the island of Crete and a lot of our guests travel with iPhones/-Pads. Before they book of course they want to see the pictures of the accommodation which is unpossible with V9 now.

For us the usage of a gallery with horizontal or vertical thumbnails is not an option.

Thank you very much in advance for your support!


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Размещено От Dennis B.
Claudio N.

Hello Dennis,

The release date of the HTML+JS galleries to replace the flash ones is not yet planned.

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Размещено От Claudio N.
Dennis B.
Dennis B.

Hello Claudio,

Thank you very much for your answer. I'm very disappointed that the release date has not even been planned yet, since many users asked for a solution of this important issue. If I would have known before that V9 is not able to show my galleries in HTML/JS I wouldn't have bought this upgrade! It's hard to understand that an option like this, that worked perfectly in Version 8, just got replaced instead of keeping it and adding a new one.

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Размещено От Dennis B.
Brian W.
Brian W.

I also am a bit disappointed that the Ver9 Evo doesn't load on Ipad. My lad has built himself a site which is fine using firefox, sometimes doesn't show slideshows in Explorer As he had an iPad for Christmas, as did some of his class mates it's annoying that his site won't load up on it. Not sure why this should be although I suspect it might be because he is using the slideshow on at least one of his pages.

By the way, the lad is 8 years old and with a little help has built and runs his own project using Evolution so that's how easy it is to make basic sites. But as I said, it would be nice if after the effort, it ran on his iPad.

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Размещено От Brian W.
Claudio N.
Thank you very much for your answer. I'm very disappointed that the release date has not even been planned yet, since many users asked for a solution of this important issue. If I would have known before that V9 is not able to show my galleries in HTML/JS I wouldn't have bought this upgrade! It's hard to understand that an option like this, that worked perfectly in Version 8, just got replaced instead of keeping it and adding a new one.
I also am a bit disappointed that the Ver9 Evo doesn't load on Ipad. My lad has built himself a site which is fine using firefox, sometimes doesn't show slideshows in Explorer As he had an iPad for Christmas, as did some of his class mates it's annoying that his site won't load up on it. Not sure why this should be although I suspect it might be because he is using the slideshow on at least one of his pages.

I understand you requests. That's why we're working on HTML5 galleries. During the development of V9 people were asking for the flash galleries so we added them before the HTML5 version. Wink

We don't have a release date yet because it will be planned when the HTML5 gallery will be ready and tested. As soon the gallery will be ready, the users will be informed about it. Smile

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Размещено От Claudio N.