E mail form - attachment file 
Автор: Thorkild Kristensen
Просмотрено 2007,
Подписчики 1,
Размещенный 0
How can I changethe height of theboxto theattachedfile,I can not findany placewhere there isopportunity to correctthis.
Please seeattachedfile "kontaktfejl.png".
ScreenDump "kontakt1fejl.png" isas it look like after uploading toISP.
ScreenDump "kontakt2fejl.png"is the previewofWebsite-X5
There are noproblems sending an e-mail withattachedfiles from theWebsiteX5
Try a reset of the pc and let me know if this has helped.
Thank you.
Hi Andre
Thanks for the feed back
I have tried to reset the pc witout any luck
On the same pc I have a website x5 ver 11 and here does the problem not occur, but
I have also a website x5 ver 12 on the same pc and here is the problem the same as I have on website x5 ver 13
It would be nice to be able to set the box height, just like you can do in the text area in the E Mail form
I have set this post for Incomedia to check, I think this needs to be corrected by Incomedia.
I also can not get the download option to view properly myself.....
Thank's !
Hello Thorkild,
I also noticed the same behavior and I already informed the developers. They will check the issue and, in case, fix it in the future updates. You will receive a notification of a new update in the opening screen of WebSite X5 and you can see the changes made in the updates on websitex5.com/changelog/v13 .
Many thanks!