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Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

Comment in Blog shows transparent font. Then an error comes back: Problem with message.  en

Автор: Akram Najjar
Просмотрено 1704, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I developed a blog and could see it in my browser. When I wanted to write a comment, I could not see what I wrote. (But if I select the field content, it shows in reverse highlight). All entries were fine. I pressed submit and got the attached message (There was a problem adding the comment).

What was the problem? It does not say.

Can you help?



9 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

Here are captures of the settings. The styles for the rest of entries on the blog page are the same as the attached.

All the best

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Размещено От Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

One more piece of evidence:

I changed the comment protocol to Facebook. It showed me the comment field. I entered "TEST" and got the attached message. But the comment was taken.

I refreshed the page and entered another comment, and it went as expected. No error message.


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Размещено От Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

Sorry guys, I should have done a full test.

Now i set the comment protocol to DISQUS and I got this message (attached).

"We were unable to load Disqus. If you are a moderator please see our troubleshooting guide".


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Размещено От Akram Najjar
Riccardo P.

Hello Akram,

have you set to send the comments in a file .php or in a database?

If you select a file .php please check if the folder in your server has the 777 permissions. Contact your server for this.

Let me know.

For your oder problems you can open a new topic.

Thank you.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

1) Thanks, I gave my folder full permission.

2) I asked a question earlier: why the font is very large on the blog page (and discussion) for the X5 comments whereas my text font has been set to 12 for the whole site?

3) Now I am using Facebook and I get the message "Object INvalid . . . ". But it takes the message. THe second comment was OK.


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Размещено От Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

One more question: when using Guest Book with Facebook Comments Protocol, I get a faint recall of the comments. I could not find where to setup the background, font color, etc. (Is it the same as the X5 protocol?)


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Размещено От Akram Najjar
Riccardo P.

Hello Akram,

can you tell me the url of your blog so i can test your 2) problem please?

For other problems open a net topic please.

Thank you.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
Akram Najjar
Akram Najjar

The website is and the page is DISCUSSION. Also, try for the BLOG.

Question 1: Why cannot I see the text in the DISCUSSION (X5 protocol)?

Question 2: Why does the email fail after sending from DISCUSSION?

Question 3: Why does the Facebook comment list look so faint? I have nowhere to configure that.

Question 4: Why do I get OBJECT INVALID when I post a Facebook comment!!

All the bet


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Размещено От Akram Najjar