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Marty Eisses
Marty Eisses

Justified gallery  en

Автор: Marty Eisses
Просмотрено 867, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I just purchased the Justified Gallery. I've noticed that there is no function to rotate an image. I have several images that need rotation of 90 or 180 degrees. When viewing, the images are not right side up. Since there is no individual roation image function, how do I get the image to display correctly? Can a rotation feature be added?

Also, after importing the images, I noticed there is no individual image preview when clicking on the image. This makes it difficult to know exactly which image out of 50 needs special attention. Can this be added?

Without these added functions, the gallery is useless to me and I would have to request a refund.

4 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marty, I use the free IrfanView program to quickly and easily rotate each image before importing them.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
Marty Eisses
Marty Eisses

Thanks Esahc.  I've used IrfaView a few years ago. I'll give it a try and see if it works when I import them into Justified Gallery. Whats interesting is that windwos explorer displays the orientation correctly. I was hoping to only work within website x5 and not use a 3rd party program. 

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Размещено От Marty Eisses
Marty Eisses
Marty Eisses

I gave irfanview a try. I was able to rotate the image, resave it, and import it. It worked. However, this is fine for an image here and there, but after about 10 images, this becomes cumbersome and time consuming. Defeats the purpose using justified gallery. I'd be better using the free "gallery" which has the functions already built in and also handles video.

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Размещено От Marty Eisses
Elisa B.

Hello Marty, 

thank you for your message. 

Indeed Justified Gallery does not allow to edit the image, like the normal Object Gallery does. Still, you can easily edit the picture before importing it into Justified Galley using simple image editing programs.

I am avaiable for further information. Kind regards.

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Размещено От Elisa B.