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Gökhan Uçar
Gökhan Uçar

Login Name  en

Автор: Gökhan Uçar
Просмотрено 1848, Подписчики 2, Размещенный 0  

Hi Everybody  ı put to my website login logout widget  and ı can create new user  and ı see users on the kontrol panel but ı can not see the user name on the website ı mean in the login widget

what ı have to do ? please help me

6 Ответы - 2 Полезно
John S.
John S.

Hello Gökhan

You could try this :

$pa = new imPrivateArea();
$user = $pa->who_is_logged();
echo $user['realname'];

If You put this in an HTML object on a page, then You will see the name of the one logged in.

Hope this was helpful

Kind regards


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Размещено От John S.
Gökhan Uçar
Gökhan Uçar

Thank you very much ı will try it

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Размещено От Gökhan Uçar
Gökhan Uçar
Gökhan Uçar

hi thanks for your answer

and can you explane me short how? where?

if it's possible

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Размещено От Gökhan Uçar
John S.
John S.

Hello Gökhan

The code in my former post, has to be placed on one or more of the locked/protected pages. Then - once You are logged in, You will see the name on all (locked )  pages. Outside the locked area, You can't use this method.

If You on a locked page place a HTML-object with the code, You will see the name instead of the code.

There is a thread :

This is something about the same I think. It is more complicated when You are outside the protected area.

I really mean that INCOMEDIA should make an "object" which could put username anywhere You want, and that You could use one of the object-names in (mail)forms and so. The object could have the options : Show -


First and last name


And then the designer could in the object choose : "First and last name" and then the users first and last name were shown where the object was placed. If not logged in, You could have a text in the object that says "not logged in".

Another post about Your question is here :

In short : Place the code in a html-object on one or more protected pages, and then You will see the name when logged in.

Kind regards


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Размещено От John S.
Gökhan Uçar
Gökhan Uçar

Hallo John S.

Thank you very much for your helping it's working well

but there is a different problem

after last update get error about create new user on the website

write on the left up "enable java" and don't create new user

why ı say after last update   ı do same configuration with version it's working normal but with last one not

i write to incomedia also but they don't turn to me...

maybe do you know that problem

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Размещено От Gökhan Uçar
John S.
John S.

Hello Gökhan

There seem to be a problem with the last update regarding java.

Other users have reported problems about this :

I advice You to write a new post and mark it private ( else You will have on the forum a duplicate post ).

In this new post, try to describe to INCOMEDIA, some more about the error ( some technical specs for Your PC, exactly when does it occur and ...) and add some screenshots.

This will maybe help the developers to find and correct the error.

They will normally answer within one work-day.

Hope You/we will be helped

Kind regards


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Размещено От John S.