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Terry  R.
Terry R.

Links in blogs  en

Автор: Terry R.
Просмотрено 2400, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


I have created a blog for members to log in to and leave comments. My problem is, when i post a comment with a website link into the blog, the link is not clickable, in other word my members cannot leave active links on the blog, they have to copy and paste the link into their browsers. Is this something that can be added by the X5 team? 

3 Ответы
Christine O.
Christine O.

If you juse Disqus for the comments, you have possibility to add comments with links, photos and more if you want.

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Размещено От Christine O.
Terry  R.
Terry R.

Thanks. Is ths Disqus free and part of the x5 software?

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Размещено От Terry R.
Claudio D.

Hello Terry,

Disqus is an external service which is for free and you need first to register on and then you can enter the disqus short name in the comment section in the program to use it.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.