Link to folder with PDF files 
Автор: RM Klooster
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How can I make a links to a spec. folder?
I want to link to a folder with lot of pdf.files, en then open files.
You need to create every link seperatly. You can't show a folder with all content, and if it good I doubt if it would be safe to do so.
There are a lot of pdf-files (100). They are minutes of a stafmeeting. It is very annooing to make for every file a superst link. There must be a beter solution.
Once upon a time I had access to the full Adobe Acrobat, it allows you to make a single pdf from multiple pdf's. You could have a monthly, quarterley or yearly digest of minutes which would significantly reduce the number of pdf's you had to provide links to.
Sadly Acrobat is a very expensive piece of software (too expensive for me anyway), and I am not aware of an affordable alternative with this feature.
If you have access to the original source files (perhaps in word?) you could add multiple minutes to the one document before producing the pdf.
Thanks Esach for your reaction.
One upon a time Frontpage from Microsoft allows me to search or see a lot of PDF-files in one folder.
I don't want to make a single pdf from mulitiple pdf's.
I just want to see a list of all the pdf's in one folder (or subfolder) nothing more.
Hello Klooster
You could look at the "Directory Lister".
Try the demo.
You put the "Lister" in the directury You want to be listed. It will then be able to list this directory and the sub-directories.
When You click a pdf-file, it will be shown. It is possible to configure the "Lister".
Kind regards
John S.
Very usefull information Esahc and John!