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J. B.
J. B.

No space between URL window and top border of the website  de

Автор: J. B.
Просмотрено 1128, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

How can I prevent that my webspace it being without any spaces between the URL line and the content of my site as shown in the picture? How can I insert spaces? Site was based on a standard template and in the editor I can see there is space at the top. Please compare editor picture and webbrowser picture. Thx

5 Ответы
Andreas S.
Andreas S.
Лучший пользователь месяца DE

Where can I see the site?

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Размещено От Andreas S.
Claudio D.

Hello J.B.,

You need to go to step 2 - Template Structure and select as Page Section "Page Background" where you can add in "content Properties" margin to the "Top". In this way you will add space between the top border and the window.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.
J. B.
J. B.

Sorry, I can't figure this out. I would like to design a very straight forward easy design with no banners, footers such as the ones I show in the attachment. In the next answer I post the attachment how it should look like

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Размещено От J. B.
J. B.
J. B.

Example of how it should look like

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Размещено От J. B.
Claudio D.

Hello J.B.,

This example uses a header where you can show the menu inside of it.

You need to go to step 2 - template structure and choose as menu type " menu inside the header and then you can move it to the position you want and add the logo or content you want to have it beffore the menu as example a logo.

In case you want to remove the footer, always in the template structure in step 2 select as page section the ooter and then set the height to 0.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.