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John P.
John P.

Wrong font, hamburgermenu showing on a pc, and some more  en

Автор: John P.
Просмотрено 2310, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Hey, i have choosen the font "Tahoma" for my website. When opening it Tahoma is standard when seen in a pc. But when i open my page in iPad or my smart-phone and so on, the page is shown with the Calibri-font. How do i make it so Tahoma is standard in every type of screen? I really don't like the Calibri-font that much!

In addition, the real Drop down-menu is not shown on a pc. Like on the other platforms, the hamburgermenu is shown here, even though the real and more practical menu should be shown. How do i solve this?

To solve the problem that you can't pinch-zoom pictures in the Thumbnails per frame-gallery i changed most of my galleries from that to "Horizontal gallery". However, the old trouble that the text underneath the pictures disappears when you're holding the arrow over them is still present. Do you have a kind of gallery that this bug is solved in now? This bug appear both in the pageview and the fullscreen view. The controlbar in the galleries isn't being shown in smaller devices like iPad and mobile.

Apart from that the program is really slow when you change something big, like the menu or something. You should have a better timeshowing in the program for how long it will take. For instance, showing a preview after you have changed something often takes over 30 minutes to prepare (without it showing any indication of time). The same with saving the project, uploading it and so on, which in total often takes over one hour which you can't do any other work. My project is quite big (25 gb, around 280 pages, consisting of many fotos), so i understand that it make take some time when making big changes. But you really should get an indication about the time it will take.

Even though for these troubles and suggestions here, thanks for a great program!


4 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, if you wish to guarantee your site uses the font you chose I suggest you use (or similar), choose your font and embed the import code into WX5 preferences (as well as install the font and save it where WX5 can find it). I use Roboto for this reason (embedding the font is essential if you use text in the headers or footers in WX5). Fonts will otherwise always be substituted unless the font is native to the devise.

Assuming your website is I suspect the width of your menu is greater than the width of the space available for it in the template. This will result in the toaster menu.

25gb is a BIG website, normally I would suggest reducing every image to a maximum of 1024px wide (or less if appropriate), but from what I have looked at this is a mammoth task, although if you haven't done so it would improve the performance of wx5 dramatically.

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Размещено От Esahc ..
John P.
John P.

Hey, thanks for your answer.

You don't have a gallery like that pr now then.

Well, the website is not 25 GB, it is 3.3 GB, but the project (in the program) is 25 GB - because it stores all the pictures in fullsize i guess. Images are around 1000 px online, like you suggested. 


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Esahc ..
Esahc ..

John, my suggestion was to reduce the pictures on your PC to about 1000px before placing them in WX5. If you have the time to do this, all future updates and saves of your project should be dramatically faster.

I have one website with 2400 pictures in 13 galleries, updates of multiple galleries at once can result in 15 - 20 seconds delay in saving before preview.

You may wish to look at optional widgets - justified gallery appears to have the ability to display text if the cursor is over an image, but I do not own this object so I don't know for sure.

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Размещено От Esahc ..