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Robert B.
Robert B.

Editing sub pages  en

Автор: Robert B.
Просмотрено 1146, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have created my own template. with 5 pages,  One of the pages has a drop down menu, 3 new levels

When I go to view the sub pages they are not showing when i click through the pages so i cannot create them

They do show on map.  Any one help how can i do a drop down menu from one of my navigation 

See image can't see product page to work on it or sub pages

Thanks for your help.

Mr B

2 Ответы
Elisa B.

Hello Robert, 

thank you for your message. 

In your screenshot I can see you have set a Level (Products) then two other Levels ( XMas and Books) and an invisible page on the menu (Pisky HQ). You can edit the page Pisky HQ by double clicking on it, in the menu it will appear by selecting the level Products. But it is not possible to edit Levels, because they do not behave as pages. If you need to edit XMas and Books, then please set them as pages, you will solve your issue this way. 

Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards. 

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