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Lindley K.
Lindley K.

Template updates not creating a new CSS file  en

Автор: Lindley K.
Просмотрено 1232, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

Using X5 Evolution 13. Changed the menu layout... but no new template CSS is created.  In fact, there is no template CSS at all in the updated project.  How do I get it to create a CSS for the new layout?  (basically I changed where the menu was supposed to be)

The odd thing is that I can see the layout change in the app Preview, just not in the updated code. 

1 Ответы
Esahc ..
Esahc ..


You're saying that the new menu layout appears correctly in preview but not on web?

If you create a folder on your PC and export the site to that folder, if you then double click on the index file does it open correctly?

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