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Malcolm P.
Malcolm P.

Unwanted blank space in row after text wrap  en

Автор: Malcolm P.
Просмотрено 1855, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have a nicely formatted page with a series of rows each with several columns to make up a table.

If I either add more text to one of the cells or reduce a column width excessively, the text in that cell then wraps around to a new line, increasing the row height as expected.

However, when the column width is returned to its previous setting or the excess text is deleted, the row height does not reset to its original value, leaving excessive blank space on the page between the bottom line of text and the next row. There seems to be no way of removing this additional blank space other than by completely deleting and regenerating the affected cells, which can then cause separate problems with the display order if these are in the centre of a complex page. (The blank space is NOT a function of the margin settings in this instance, which remain at their default values.) 

Is this a bug or is there any way of resetting the cell/row height to the correct value once this has occurred?

Thank you.

6 Ответы
Andre E
Andre E

select the cell, you can set with your right mouse button the width again.

Small tip, if you want several the have same height or with, select these all then use right mouse button.

see also:

you can also drag the lines by selecting the line (mouse pointer changes) and then keep left mouse button pressed

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Размещено От Andre E
Malcolm P.
Malcolm P.

Thank you André for a quick reply, but you appear to be referring specifically to the Table object - I can't use that as it doesn't work correctly on a responsive page at smaller screen sizes.

My page has a series of rows and columns that displays similarly to a Table but also works correctly as a responsive page. I have since discovered a workaround that does reset the formatting, but the cause/failure to reset the height still appears to be a bug.

In this case the page has 15 rows with a total of 5 columns. The first three columns in each row contain text, the 4th column is a currently empty Image object for a future shopping cart icon, and the 5th column is an empty Text object as a placeholder to preserve the correct object numbering order for possible future additions.

It seems that when any of the text objects in the first three columns overflow onto the next line, thereby increasing the row height, one or both of the empty objects at the end of the line 'inherit' this height increase and do not release it when the other text objects are reset to their previous state. I have been able to reset the row height by deleting both of these empty objects and replacing them with identical unpopulated objects (I had already replaced both the content and the actual objects in the text columns, to no apparent effect). Fortunately in this instance this did not disrupt the original object order numbering.

At no time have either of the 4th and 5th objects contained any content, so there seems to be no obvious reason why they should cause the height increase to 'stick' when the other objects are revised.

Does this make the issue any clearer, and can you suggest any other way of resetting the row height for this case without deleting and replacing (all) the objects on the affected row?

Many thanks.

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Размещено От Malcolm P.
Andre E
Andre E

Sorry, I read table indeed, here is an other suggestion;

It is not recomended to keep empty places in your page occupied by an empty object. This gives strange behavior.

If you create the page with no object it is better, but also not ideal.

Try if that helps

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Размещено От Andre E
Malcolm P.
Malcolm P.

Thanks André,

The reason for including 'placeholder' objects in the initial page layout is related to my other recent (20/04/2017) question about automatic object order numbering in X5.

Under some circumstances when the page is modified at a later date, adding additional columns or cells can disrupt the required display sequence for the smallest viewport as these are then numbered out of order. At larger viewports the layout is controlled by the responsive Display Order setting, but this defaults to the automatic sequential numbering sequence at the smallest viewport, with no option currently to change this.

I will save a backup copy of the current site then try deleting the unused cells and see if this still allows me to modify the page subsequently as necessary without messing up the responsive formatting.

For reference and in case it helps anyone else, it appears possible to insert additional rows in the body of an existing page without affecting the order numbering sequence, but adding columns at a later date may cause problems with out of sequence numbering.

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Размещено От Malcolm P.
Andre E
Andre E

Yppu can also set a picture or something else in the empty object.

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Размещено От Andre E
Claudio D.

Hello Malcolm,

About the blank space issue try to press CTRL + SHIFT while clicking on Preview to see if then the object appears correctly according to the new width.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.