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de_Wet V.
de_Wet V.

Removing Responsive setting altogether  en

Автор: de_Wet V.
Просмотрено 753, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I have a Version 13 Pro. 

I thought the responsive settings would add value. My website was working well without it.

Now everting is messed up outside desktop. Previously it was usable on Mibile.

How do undo, untick, unselect this feature?

I have not made any changes after selecting it as I found the process just too complicated.

1 Ответы - 1 Полезно
Andre E
Andre E

You need to set multiple viewports when using responsive, you can select them on the left side on.

It's not hard, you can read here how to:

and here:

But if you want it without responsive;

set it off in step 2 template, customization, resolutions and responsive design, then select desktop site.

That's it

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Размещено От Andre E